Author - Nexgen

large catwalk in Chesterfield College

Portable Stage Tips – Fix your creaky stage

Portable Stage Tips: Eliminate Those Annoying Creaks

After assembling your portable stage, you might notice it sometimes emits creaks or cracking sounds when in use. This can be quite disconcerting, especially if your performance requires complete silence. Fortunately, there’s a simple and cost-free solution to this problem. When setting up portable stages,...

buy a stage system

Buy or Hire a Portable Stage

Buying or Hiring a Portable Stage for Events: An Informative Guide

When deciding between buying or hiring a portable staging system like NexGen Staging, the first consideration should be the frequency of use. Frequency of Use: If you don't plan to use the staging system multiple times, purchasing may...

Add glue bond to staging

Portable Stage Deck Platforms gone Spongy?

Do you have a "Bouncy Stage Deck Platform" issue?

Over time, some Portable Stage Deck Platforms may start to feel bouncy or spongy underfoot. This issue can be puzzling, especially when it only affects a few platforms out of many.In 2016, the experts at NexGen Staging identified the cause and solution...

gopak ultralight riser with NexGen magnetic deck platforms

NexGen Magnetic Staging Compatibility

Yes, NexGen Magnetic Platforms and risers are Compatible with other brands

Upgrade your event staging game with NexGen's latest innovation – the magnetic staging of the future. Its compatibility with other brands is unrivalled. Discover how Keith Jones of Quartz Audio Visual in Swadlingcote, UK, transformed his tired Ultralight...

Buy Staging for Schools

Officially the fastest staging on the market

Fastest staging on the market!

So we shouted from the roof tops when we invented NexGen Portable Staging, about how fast to assemble it is. Many staging suppliers held this claim in their marketing, but our Magnetic connections smashed these claims out of the water. Used by Audio Visual rental companies, NexGen...